3 Things All Successful Nutrition Business Owners Must Do


In today’s post, I’m going to talk about the 3 things you must do to be like so many of the successful nutrition business owners I’ve had the honor of working with! These 4 actions are extremely important for long-term success. Before we get started, though, allow me to introduce myself for those of you who are new around here!

My name is Tony Stephan, and I’m a dietitian business coach. I help RDs make more IMPACT and more INCOME through nutrition coaching. Before becoming a dietitian business coach and real estate investor, I was a dietitian nutrition coach. I served thousands of nutrition coaching clients over a time span of 12 years. My successful nutrition coaching business is what led me to where I am today with more impact to create and more businesses to build! Now, let’s discuss these 3 actions to make you a more successful business owner!

3 Things Successful Nutrition Business Owners Do

Take calculated risks.

Taking a risk is generally uncomfortable whether you’re a natural risk-taker or not. But growth happens through taking actions we aren’t fully comfortable with or used to! 

As a dietitian entrepreneur, evaluating risk is important so you know how and when to take the next step (or leap) forward. A calculated risk could help you determine when to leave your full-time “traditional” RD job. It could allow you to put yourself out there and network with others. It could also help you gain and retain clients! 

So, as you can see, risk shouldn’t be avoided in business. Instead, you should take calculated risks in order to grow.

Find a mentor they can trust and look up to.

In short, having a good mentor should feel like having your very own business-minded Yoda! 

A good mentor has experience in your area of work. They’ll provide constructive feedback, support your growth, and help you learn from their mistakes. They’ll help you set goals and determine what steps to take in order to get there. They provide accountability, offer encouragement, and serve as a trusted ally in your journey. 

Now, you might be thinking you have friends and family you support and offer encouragement. What makes mentorship different? Well, mentorship may develop into friendship eventually. But ultimately, mentorship is different from friendship because a good mentor will always remain objective and know how to draw professional boundaries that work for both of you.

Visualize their success. 

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Seeing is believing”? Well, it’s true! Visualizing your success helps your mind “practice” success. The more you visualize certain outcomes for yourself and your business, the more this creates an increased level of cognitive dissonance. This dissonance is uncomfortable, but it serves a positive purpose! Your brain will want to figure out realistic steps to get you there, and you’ll become more inclined and more driven to reach your goals.

Visualizing success also boosts your confidence and motivation!

Summary Of The 3 Things All Successful Nutrition Business Owners Must Do

There are plenty of other helpful actions out there, but the 3 described above are ones I highly recommend to help get you started. As your business grows and you face new challenges at every level, you’ll want to be even more intentional with your actions. But if you focus on these powerful behaviors right now, I am positive you will create success!

Once you’ve read through this post, send me an email at tony@tonystephandietitian.com. Seriously — I WANT to hear from you!

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