Adjusting To Remote Work As A Telehealth Dietitian Or Online Nutrition Coach

by | Aug 20, 2021

Now more than ever, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, people are wishing to work from home if they aren’t already. Perhaps you’re a new telehealth dietitian or nutrition coach who’s used to meeting with clients face to face. But now you’re switching over to a fully online format. Or, maybe you are just starting your online nutrition coaching journey and simply don’t have much experience communicating with patients or clients via Zoom or Skype. In today’s post we’ll dive into some ways to help manage that!

Before we dive any deeper, though, allow me to introduce myself for those of you who are new around here.

My name is Tony Stephan, and I’m a dietitian business coach. I help RDs make more IMPACT and more INCOME through nutrition coaching. Before becoming a dietitian business coach and real estate investor, I was a dietitian nutrition coach. I served thousands of nutrition coaching clients over a time span of 12 years. My successful nutrition coaching business is what led me to where I am today. Now, let’s talk about ways to help manage the transition from in-person to online nutrition coaching.

Top 3 Tips For The New Telehealth Dietitian Or Online Nutrition Coach

#1 – Have A Designated Work Space

Take time to actually create a functional workspace for yourself. You don’t necessarily need a room in your home that’s designated solely for your work, but you don’t want to be working out of the corner of your bedroom or the living room couch.

By having a designated workspace, you’ll be able to stay focused and get more work done with less time due to less distractions. Incorporate wall and desk decor that aligns with you and your business. Minimize clutter by staying organized with drawers, desks, folders, etc. All of this will help facilitate a more productive day!

#2 – Maintain A Level Of Professionalism In All That You Do

Dress appropriately on video calls with clients whether that be a polo, workout clothes or suit. What’s best for YOU is whatever best suits your online nutrition business. For example, if you work with endurance athletes, you probably don’t need to be coaching them through a screen with a business suit on. 

Spend time getting to know your clients. Set expectations from both sides, making sure things are very clear to them. This allows your clients to take more ownership of their part in the nutrition coaching process! 

#3 – Create Boundaries For Yourself 

Allocate specific times to work as if you were actually working a 9-5 job. It doesn’t have to be 9-5 per se, but the key is to find something you can stay consistent with that works for YOUR business! Create start and stop times for your sessions. Communicate with clients and other colleagues (if applicable) when you will or won’t be available. 

Also, don’t forget to take care of YOU. Schedule self-care time if necessary, and stick to it! It’s very easy to get burnt out in your first 1-2 years of starting a business or working from home in general. For example, schedule regularly occurring massage appointments for yourself. Plan meals and workouts ahead of time. Schedule lunch outings and date nights with your loved ones. Whatever it is that fills your cup, do your best not to neglect it!

The Takeaway For The New Telehealth Dietitian Or Online Nutrition Coach

Working remotely over the long-term has its challenges! However, I am confident that focusing on the 3 tips above will help ease the transition and promote a positive work-life balance. So be sure to create a designated work space, maintain a level of professionalism, and create boundaries for yourself!

Once you’ve read through this post, send me an email at Seriously — I WANT to hear from you!

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  • What follow up questions do you have about being a new telehealth dietitian or online nutrition coach in this day and age? My team and I would love to help!

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