How To Gain Confidence In Selling Your Nutrition Services

by | Jun 30, 2021

Trying to sell yourself to clients can feel uncomfortable for some, and it’s certainly not uncommon. If you do feel this way, it’s probably making it difficult to sign clients up, right? If you’re having a hard time signing clients up, you may want to work on improving your confidence in those much needed sales skills! It really is all about shifting your mindset when it comes to selling your coaching. Rather than feeling as if you are selling potential clients on it, feel as if you are inviting them. In this blog post we’ll discuss some tips to help you gain confidence. But first, allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Tony Stephan, and I’m a dietitian business coach. I help RDs make more IMPACT and more INCOME through nutrition coaching. However, before becoming a dietitian business coach, I was an RD nutrition coach. I served thousands of nutrition coaching clients over a time span of 12 years. My successful nutrition coaching business is what led me to where I am today. Now, let’s dive into a few ways to gain confidence when selling your nutrition coaching services!

Gain Confidence By Inviting vs Selling

Say you were at a cycle class and heard someone say, “I wish I knew of a place that sold wedding dresses in town. I have been looking everywhere and no one seems to have what I want.” Then someone else that is in the conversation says, “I just received a shipment of wedding dresses last week actually into my store, feel free to come try them out anytime.” Rather than selling her on the wedding dress, this other person is simply inviting her to come try on the dress.

Rather than selling someone on your services, you are inviting them to come work with you because you have a solution to their problem(s). You can help them reach the health or fitness goals they aspire to achieve! This simple shift will help you speak more confidently about your services.

Believe In The Value You Bring

As a dietitian nutrition coach, you’re offering services that may lead to outcomes which last a lifetime. There is really no price that can be put on improving someone’s quality of life and helping them spend more quality time and energy with their loved ones. You’re not selling a 1990 junk car to someone. And you’re certainly not selling MLM detox teas. What you have to offer is truly valuable.

Before going on a discovery call with someone, think of all the times you’ve previously helped clients, or how you have been able to transform your own health or fitness! If you don’t have many clients of your own just yet, think about the patients you’ve worked with in the clinical setting or even as a dietetic intern. I am sure you’ve had a positive impact in someone else’s quality of life! Reflecting back on those times will help you get into the right mindset before hopping on a discovery call. The more enthusiasm you have in your own services, the better it will be translated to your potential client!

Be Service-Oriented To Gain Confidence

It’s not about you making a sale and putting money into your pocket. I mean don’t get me wrong–it’s about that, too. But in terms of actually helping clients, you are providing them with a service. You hear a client talking about all of their problems and in your head you’re thinking of all the ways you can help them find resolutions and improve their overall health. 

Think of it as providing potential clients with a service as opposed to trying to sell them. Instead, you are trying to help them. I mean, that is actually what you are doing, isn’t it? It just requires a shift in your mindset to communicate that confidently!

The Bottom Line

Being nervous when trying to sell someone on your services is completely normal. Discovering how to be confident in selling your nutrition coaching services doesn’t mean you’ll be confident 100% of the time. (No one is confident 100% of the time!) However, with a shift in your mindset and the way you approach it, you can improve your sales calls in no time. I believe in YOU! 

If you’re looking to start your own nutrition coaching side hustle, you’re in the right place. We are so proud to be a part of the movement of dietitian entrepreneurs who are making more IMPACT and more INCOME! In the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification, we teach our students how to set their dietitian nutrition coaching business up for success so that they can make the IMPACT they desire and the INCOME they deserve.

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