What You Should Focus On During Your First Year Of Online Nutrition Coaching

by | Aug 4, 2021

Your first year as an online dietitian nutrition coach will certainly have its challenges. Without any guidance of what you should focus on, it can prove to be extremely overwhelming! I can speak from experience since I contemplated quitting within that first year at least 1000 times.

Before we dig a little deeper into this topic, allow me to introduce myself!

My name is Tony Stephan, and I’m a dietitian business coach. I help RDs make more IMPACT and more INCOME through nutrition coaching. Before becoming a dietitian business coach, I was a dietitian nutrition coach. I served thousands of nutrition coaching clients over a time span of 12 years. My successful nutrition coaching business is what led me to where I am today. Now, let’s review these 4 things YOU should focus on during your first year of online nutrition coaching.

Tip #1 – Focus On Perfecting Your Product

Perfect your product (nutrition coaching) by gaining EXPERIENCE. If you wait until the “perfect time” to start coaching clients, you’ll never get started. There’s no such thing as the perfect time. My best advice for any new coach is to focus on gaining experience. Expertise comes from 2 things: confidence and experience.

You don’t need to nail your niche on day 1. That’s a lie most coaching “gurus” will tell you. How else will you know what types of clients you truly want to work with if you turn a bunch of people away due to fear of failure? That brings me to my next point…

Tip #2 – Turn Failures Into Feedback 

You WILL fail. Over and over again, actually. I am speaking from experience! 

Now if you have a good coach that has been through it before, you’ll fail less. But failures will happen regardless. The difference between successful entrepreneurs and unsuccessful entrepreneurs is this: the ones who keep going year after year learn to view failure as feedback. The ones who don’t, end up quitting much earlier and never live up to their potential. 

So answer these questions: What type of entrepreneur do you want to be? What type of nutrition coach do you want to be? And, honestly, what type of person do you want to be?.. Someone who quits after hitting a few roadblocks and barriers? Or someone who figures out a way to work through those challenges?

Tip #3 – Focus On Building Raving Fans (Clients)

Your first several clients are worth their weight in gold. Seriously! One of the most effective things you can do as an RD nutrition coach is create raving fans. Don’t worry much about making X amount of dollars per year. Focus on giving them the best experience possible, especially to those people who choose to “bet” on you before you have a proven track record!

Trust me when I say this: If your clients are raving fans, they’ll be more likely to stay longer, pay more, and send referrals your way. This is so important for creating a successful, sustainable online nutrition coaching business.

Tip #4 – Invest Back Into You & Your Business

Invest EVERY DOLLAR YOU CAN back in you and your business. If you can, don’t quit your “day” job right away. 

Again, coaching “gurus” will tell you to live abundantly and “manifest your money”. But let me tell you something: manifesting doesn’t pay the bills. Your current job, the one that doesn’t provide much joy or satisfaction, will pay the bills (for now). Stay wise and keep it as long as you can! Use your business income to invest into useful certifications, courses, skill sets, mentorship, and a team to help you grow FASTER. Prioritize assets over liabilities

The Takeaway 

Your first year of business WILL have its challenges. However, I am confident you’ll see success if you focus on the 4 things described above. Remember, you have to believe in yourself before any potential clients can believe in what you have to offer!

After reading through this post, send me an email at tony@tonystephandietitian.com. Seriously — I WANT to hear from you!

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