The Client Attraction Blueprint

Reach the people who need you most with value and authority, and close the sale.

The Client Attraction Blueprint

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Tony Stephan, dietitian business coach

Dietitian Business Coaching

Hey, I’m Tony Stephan, and I help Registered Dietitians like you connect their formal education into the real world application of owning and operating a successful online nutrition coaching and dietitian business.

Hear What Dietitians Are Saying About Working With Tony for Business Coaching

Hannah Boyl

I looked back at my goals that I set from the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification and at the beginning of the Ignition program; 5 months later I’ve blown those goals out of the water! I’m on track to easily double those goals by the end of the year for my business!”

Laura Gaston

“What I’m most proud of accomplishing since joining the I Believe Mastermind for registered dietitians is continuing to work on myself, continuing to push myself outside of my comfort zone in my business, and continuing to gain skills and ultimately feel more confident with things that I wasn’t used to doing before this.”

Kelsey Hojara

“The biggest difference I’ve noticed since taking the leap of faith to start my own online nutrition coaching business is the amount of impact I’ve made. I’m producing so many client results and I’m able to help my clients better now that I have the tools and the reach to do so!”

Kara Goss

The biggest thing that I’ve noticed is that I have so much more impact on my clients’ lives. I am creating so much more of a difference rather than just giving 15 minute education sessions, so I definitely feel like I’m creating long term impact for others and that’s the biggest goal that I have for my online coaching business.”

Starla Garcia

I’m most proud of the confidence that I’ve gotten since joining the I Believe Mastermind for Registered Dietitians. Being able to give back to my community of dietitians has been a huge empowering moment for me. It’s awesome to hear my voice more in the communities that I’m serving and knowing that I can step up for my nutrition coaching clients and give them that confidence as well.”

Ashley Anderson

“Now, because of the systems I have in place, my nutrition coaching clients are getting dramatically better results AND I get to assess them on a more consistent basis since it is an online platform. This allows my clients to see their wins more consistently which allows them to feel more joy each and every day.”



Recent Business Coaching Posts for Dietitians

How To Identify Your Ideal Client

Identifying your ideal client can be a hot topic in the private practice field for registered dietitians. Some people say if you spend too much time trying to identify your ideal client, your narrow niche will kill you. Others say that identifying your ideal client is...

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Should Registered Dietitians Be Coaches Too?

Welcome back to the blog my fellow registered dietitians! Or, if you’re new here, my name is Tony Stephan and I teach registered dietitians just like you how to create an online nutrition coaching business. Today’s topic is something that I actually talked about this...

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Should I Do a Group Nutrition Coaching Program?

If you’re a dietitian entrepreneur, whether you're new to the game or you’ve been around the block you’ve probably considered doing group nutrition coaching. We all have! First and foremost, the BEST program you can offer is the one that works for you AND your...

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The Client Attraction Blueprint

Reach the people who need you most with value and authority, and close the sale.

Registered Dietitian Business Blog

Everything You Need to Know About Running a Successful Registered Dietitian RD Business

Tony Stephan, Registered Dietitian

Dietitian Business Coaching, Entrepreneur, Certification Courses for Dietitians, Mastermind, Resources, and more!