How To Cut Through the Noise As An RD Nutrition Coach

How To Cut Through the Noise As An RD Nutrition Coach

With the number of products and services in the diet industry, it can feel tough to be heard as an RD nutrition coach. The diet industry is a huge market with a plethora of voices. Unfortunately, not all voices in the diet industry are those of qualified nutrition...
How To Build A Digital Course As A Registered Dietitian

How To Build A Digital Course As A Registered Dietitian

As a Registered Dietitian have you ever wanted to build a digital course? If so, then this is the article you have been waiting for! My name is Tony Stephan, I’m a Registered Dietitian just like you and I’ve sold more than 500 copies of my online Dietitian Nutrition...
How To Identify Your Ideal Client

How To Identify Your Ideal Client

Identifying your ideal client can be a hot topic in the private practice field for registered dietitians. Some people say if you spend too much time trying to identify your ideal client, your narrow niche will kill you. Others say that identifying your ideal client is...