Never Lower Your Prices as a Dietitian

Never Lower Your Prices as a Dietitian

Yes, lowering your prices is a guaranteed way to fail…even during a pandemic!  Listen, everything that I teach you guys is something that I’ve learned along the way by building my business from scratch. I literally started from the bottom, no Drake pun intended....
5 Ways to Improve Your Sales Calls

5 Ways to Improve Your Sales Calls

5 ways to improve your sales calls and CLOSE the deal, and 5 mistakes you might be making that could be costing you the deal!  Stick around to the end of this blog and I will give you a SIXTH bonus tip!  Sales calls can be tough as registered dietitians because, let’s...
The Best Dietitian Resource: The True Power of Proximity

The Best Dietitian Resource: The True Power of Proximity

What is success? Ask yourself, what does success look like? What does it ACTUALLY mean to be successful? Is it gaining your first few clients as a dietitian entrepreneur? Possibly owning a six-figure business? Or it might be having the ability to hire on employees...
Dietitian Tools For Consults: Why Customers Are Saying NO

Dietitian Tools For Consults: Why Customers Are Saying NO

We’ve all got on the phone with potential clients, explained our services and how our programs work, stated our prices, and had people flat out tell us no. We thought we had all of the dietitian tools in order to be successful dietitian business owners, right? But...
10 Things Successful Dietitian Business Owners Do

10 Things Successful Dietitian Business Owners Do

Being a successful online dietitian coach and owning a dietitian business isn’t just about what you know, it’s about the actions that you do, day in and day out.  Every coach has their own definition of success.  Maybe it’s gaining 3 new clients each month.  Or it...